Folded Productions Folded Productions, was established in 2009 and is co-directed by Irish dance artists Laura Murphy and Ailish Claffey. Collaborating and creating work since 2007, Laura and Ailish are generating a repertoire of diverse, raw and inter-disciplinary professional works.
Folded Productions has produced and performed works internationally in venues such as Dance Theatre Workshop, New York; Abundance, Sweden; The Firkin Crane, Cork; Dance Ireland, The Project Arts Centre and The Back Loft, Dublin; Daghdha Space, Limerick and The Barn, Ottawa, Canada. Works include Corokinesis, nothing, Lovely and Bound.
The duo also worked as Dancers in Residence for Kerry County Council, Ireland (2008 - 2009) focusing on integrating dance into the community and developing creative dance programmes for various groups from young children to the older adult.